Facial Rejuvenation in Chandigarh

Aging of the face is inevitable. As the years go by, the skin begins to loosen on the face and neck. Crow’s feet appear at the corners of the eyes. Fine forehead lines become creases and then, gradually, deeper folds. The jaw line softens into jowls, and beneath the chin, another chin or vertical folds appear at the front of the neck. Heredity, personal habits, the pull of gravity, and sun exposure contribute to the aging of the face. Surface irregularities such as pigment discolorations and large pores also develop. Facial Rejuvenation involves removing years from your appearance by non-surgical or surgical modalities employed in combkin rejuvenation improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, sun and age spots, skin discoloration, and acne scars.
Skin/Facial rejuvenation is a series of cosmetic treatments, which can restore the young appearance of face & your youth. Facial rejuvenation is achieved either by surgical/nonsurgical treatments.
We at Skin and Sculpt perform safe, reliable, and cost-effective nonsurgical treatments. Though, multiple sessions are required to achieve the best results. The patient needs to take post-procedure precautions and safeguard the skin for long-standing results.

Dr. Neetika Paul
Dr. Neetika Paul is a distinguished and respectable name in the field of Dermatology. To trace her qualification credentials, she has done her MBBS and M.D. in Dermatology from the Prestigious and renowned PGI(Postgraduate institute of medical sciences) Rohtak Followed by an exhaustive and professionally fulfilling fellowship in Cosmetic Dermatology ,Lasers, Botox, Fillers and Advanced Aesthetics from DJPIMAC(MUMBAI).Then she went in for an ADVANCED TRAINING in BOTOX AND FILLERS in GENT ,BELGIUM(EUROPE).