PCOS causes several skin related symptoms due to elevated androgens (male hormones) including: OILY SKIN ADULT ACNE SKIN TAGS ACANTHOSIS NIGRICANS (Dark velvety skin) EXCESSIVE BODY AND FACIAL HAIR More…
PCOS causes several skin related symptoms due to elevated androgens (male hormones) including: OILY SKIN ADULT ACNE SKIN TAGS ACANTHOSIS NIGRICANS (Dark velvety skin) EXCESSIVE BODY AND FACIAL HAIR More…
If you notice yellow patches of fat underneath the skin, usually on or around the eyelids. You might have xanthelasma. While they are neither harmful nor painful, these minor growths…
Women, unlike men, do not expect to lose their hair, so when it happens it can cause immense trauma. Several factors can be responsible for causing bald patches along with…