SKIN AND SCULPT has launched the LIGHT SHEER DESIRE PERMANENT HAIR REDUCTION LASER MACHINE, the best technology GLOBALLY and undoubtedly the best in town, at very affordable prices.. With cutting edge technology, the Light Sheer DESIRE uses the industry’s Gold Standard 805nm DIODE LASER empowered by CHILL TIP TECHNOLOGY to deliver UNSURPASSED CLINICAL RESULTS with maximal comfort and short treatment time. You can stop bothering with razors, creams, waxing, last minute shavings and experience nothing short of a LIFESTYLE CHANGE.
The Lumenis light sheer desire is a Laser that produces a larger beam of highly concentrated light. The light emitted is well absorbed by the pigment located in the hair follicles. During the procedure the laser pulses for a fraction of a second allowing of the hair to absorb the light and heat up as it heats up the hair shaft and the bulb are damaged which significantly impedes its ability to re- grow and with the large spot size the process treats numerous hair follicles simultaneously, making the treatment much faster than traditional laser hair removal alternatives. For more information refer to this link.